Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Pinatubo 2010 vs 2012

I was in Pinatubo last 2010 and 2012. I can’t help myself from commenting about the differences I noticed in just 2 years.

But before I go in details let me remind my companions about what happened in 2010 and in 2012.

Pinatubo 2010

We had an arranged tour courtesy of our friends from Kaladkad Tours. It was an easy breezy tour since the pressure was not on my shoulders. We availed their 1600Php travel package for a day tour excluding food.

Pinatubo 2012

We found vouchers that only cost 999 each so we grabbed the opportunity and booked for 24 people. But upon reaching the area the group buying site’s representative wanted us to pay additional 300 each for the “environmental fee”. We asked DOTC about it but they told us they have no knowledge on the said “environmental fee.” So much for group buying sites. I really don’t recommend their tour packages. I should have made it on my own instead. (Next time.)

Thee Distinct Differences

I noticed that Pinatubo has been highly commercialized from my 2012 travel. Lots of tour packages were offered online and onsite that proved to be not worth it because they can’t seem to manage the number of tourists pouring in. They can’t present us a detailed receipt as to where our money went. And their “environmental fee” was not clear to us.

Back in 2010, no group buying sites were there and only a small number of people toured with us. Our 4x4 rides were arranged pretty fast and the tour began after boarding the vehicle.

No more Aeta Community
The Aeta community was not a part of the tour anymre since there has been a flash flood between 2010 and 2012. They had to change the route and tourists had to walk for about an hour and a half to reach the crater.

Back in 2010, we had a side trip at the Aeta community where people gathered and greeted the tourists. Of course there were the usual donation for their welfare and I was fond of them because in their little ways they know how to make a living from their almost barren soil. We reached the crater after 15-20 minutes of walk from the jump off.

The weather was somewhat the same when I went there in 2010 and 2012 but the air was cooler back in 2010. I needed a jacket during my first time while I just wore a shirt on my second time. I guess that’s climate change is affecting our dear Pinatubo.

What Stayed the Same?
Remember the 300 steps going down to the lake? Well that stayed the same. Still 300 steps and nothing changed. I hope it will not forever. Because that one thing reminded me that once in my life my feet got sore and my body almost numb from pain.

Till then. ^_^

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