Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Batulao 2011

Last weekend we had an adventure at the friendliest mountain on Earth (as of posting). Friendliest because the weather cooperated, the trail was not so difficult and there is a mountain dew store at the summit.

The group met 12 noon at Mc Donald’s Cubao before boarding a San Agustin bus headed to Nasugbu, Batangas. It was a three-hour bus ride. Some opted to sleep before the climb but I chose to stay awake and took the time to reflect. I was tired even before the climb because I joined my housemates train for a marathon. We ran almost 10 kilometers earlier that day. Nevertheless, I was not sleepy. Maybe I'm just excited to climb another mountain. Or maybe I don’t want Jimmy to have the opportunity to take a photo of a sleeping me. hehehehe..^_^

After 3 hours of discussing how to get that Pinoy-Henyo word alikabok (Okay, this was exaggerated), we arrived at Evercrest Batangas. We had some final preparation and bought food for dinner from one of the carinderia’s along the highway. Then off we went to the jump off point.

The walk to the campsite via old trail was relaxing especially when we saw the moon peaking from another mountain. We imagined some bats flying over us and that creepy sound when Dracula rose from his coffin. Hello creepy November!

We took a rest at one of the houses where the house owner sold buko juice (coconut water) and mountain dew. Ultimately refreshing. Thanks to my 20Php coconut.^_^

After 20 minutes rest, we went on with the trek because we didn't want to arrive late at the campsite. We still would want to eat dinner early and have more time to socialize.

We pushed with the last part of the climb taking occasional rests. After an hour or so, we reached the campsite. We registered the group to manong's logbook and paid the registration before pitching our tent.

After setting our camp, we cooked dinner for everybody. Our menu for the night was menudo, which we bought earlier) heated using 2 casseroles one on top of the other. Rudy noticed it when he cleaned the utensils. Call that double cooking! Our mistake.^_^ Anyway, I ate just a portion because I was not really hungry. I ate coconut meat and drank coconut water while trekking.

After dinner, the "socials" part came next. I wish I could write them all but I want to protect my teammates. Most of the topics were not for public sharing. I still would like them to come to our next climb.^_^

We were waiting for Jay's group (also part of Team Injury) to arrive before we sleep. They were trekking while we were star gazing. I had so much fun looking at the stars. In my entire city life, I never had a chance to see so much stars at night. This was what I was looking for when camping. Wish granted!

We took a few moments to greet Jay's team when they arrived then I immediately went inside my tent and slept. I heard some of Choco's jokes but I kept my mouth shut. I don't want to disturb our sleeping teammates just because of his silly "banat". I had enough of Rudy and I don't want to add more to the damage. Hahahaha. Just kidding!

On the second day, I woke up refreshed and rejuvinated. Thanks to nature's nurturing fresh air.

We cooked and ate breakfast then off we went to the summit.

The sun was shinning brightly as we ascend to the summit. It was scarry actually because one wrong move you'll be tumbling down the mountain.

We were greeted by a Mountain Dew seller at the summit. With little water left and the sun shinning brightly, it was a blessing to have some soda eventhough it was not that cold.

The walk on the new trail was like a walk on the park. We never thought we can climb one of the camel's back. It was thrilling just seeing my next photo.

We arrived at the registration area of the new trail at around 11am. We again registered and paid the fee.

We arrived at the foot of the mountain at around 1pm. We took a shower first then ate lunch. I had a hard time finishing my food because it was so spicy. Thanks to Jenny she shared her food to me.

We waited for 30 minutes for the bus going to Cubao terminal. We were delighted when the bus finally arrived.

Thank God we were safe and the sky was clear.

Till next time Team Injury!

And reminder: Pay your bus ride!^_^

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Mt. Makulot Experience

My last mountain experience was last January 2011 with Mt Pulag via Ambangeg trail. Come June, my friends and I thought it’s time for another mountain indulgence.

Last August 13-14 we spent a night at the campsite of Mt Makulot. With just a few shirts and lots of food, we headed to Cuenca, Batangas for another first [well for some.] 

We boarded Alps bus lines in Cubao around 2 in the afternoon. We headed to Batangas around 3pm and arrived at Tambo Exit a little past 4pm. 

We hired a jeepney in Tambo Exit to bring us to the jump-off point. We paid 30 Php each which was actually a bargain because a separate tricycle ride will cost us another 20Php each if we opted just to commute. 

We took a 30-minute break at the market place and bought some provisions which included an additional load of 5 liters. [Okay, because they bought some liquor.]

We started the trek around 6 pm. The sun was starting to set already and we were not confident that we can make it before the dark sets in. 

Sweat flooded my face as we ascend through the rocky trail. We had to pass by several pit stops before reaching the foot of the mountain. It took us approximately 30 minutes before we decided to stop and rest. 

A few minutes later we continued our ascent. We reached the campsite after 2 hours of non stop sweat and foot ache [for me.]

We pitched our tent fast because we wanted to rest our tired feet. We ate dinner after and then I went inside to sleep. 

The wind blew pretty hard during the night. Paul and I were not able to sleep well because someone from the tent next to us was drunk and talked a lot. It was 3 in the morning when his [the man from the other tent] cell phone rang so loud. It annoyed me a bit but we went to sleep afterwards nonetheless.

our tents

We woke up before 6am the next day. The weather was cold and the air was fresh - perfect for a morning trek to the Rockies. 

It took me tons of courage to sit at the tip of the rock. My knees were trembling and I was afraid but when they said “1.. 2.. 3..” I smiled and pretended not to worry. [I crawled after this shot.]

We descended to the “tongue” of the rockies and took some awesome pictures. After a while we went back to the campsite and ate breakfast. 

photo courtesy of megs

After breakfast we packed all our things and started our decent. The trail was a little muddy and slippery so we had to take extra care. 

We didn’t have water anymore so the sight of “buko juice” was a blessing for us. [I drank 3 cups.]

After a few minutes of rest with the buko juice seller, we continued our journey reaching our destination after 20 minutes or so. 

I am proud I conquered Mt. Makulot. I am proud I was able to survive the difficult trail. I am proud because I was able to conquer my fear of heights. 

Thank God for the wonderful nature.

Till next time Team Injury.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Tagaytay Experience

Seven years of strong relationship is something we should be thankful for from up above so we took this special moment and celebrated another milestone through backpacking.

We thought of it three months before our anniversary anticipating his deployment off-shore yet again.

I planned a Davao tour but air fare was high and we cannot afford to spend so much for it. Since many friends are recommending Tagaytay, we opted to pay a visit.
The Trip
We boarded San Agustin bus in Cubao around 7 in the morning. The air conditioner was programmed to make us snooze a little bit more [morning bus] but I refused. I am not used to sleeping while traveling especially on a sunny day.

I am familiar on the route since I haveworked in Dasmarinas few years ago. Despite working in a place only an hour away from Tagaytay, I've been there only once and that was many years after I transfered to Quezon City.

After seeing Robinson's Mall in Dasmarinas, we were a bit uneasy because we didn't know where to alight. I was just holding on to my friend's instructions.

We were set to have lunch at Tootsie's - a famous restaurant in Tagaytay. My friend told me to alight in front of Tootsie's since the restaurant is just along the high way.

If you are going to this place just tell the driver to drop you off in front of the restaurant. It's on the left side of the highway if you are having the Cubao-Mendez Crossing route.

Tootsie's Experience

table top

Tootsie's is the place to be if you love ambiance and class. I think it's one of the best places in Tagaytay to eat and relax. We ordered their specialty which was the bulalo with a unique ingredient imported from Panay, Philippines.

Tootsie's bulalo

It was not the bulalo we're expecting but nontheless it was worth the experience and the money.

the ambiance
the flog
For me the most important place in a restaurant is their comfort room. Mind you, I really check how comf'table it was to stay inside it. And I must say their comfort room was inviting. It's the nicest comfort room I've ever seen [in a restaurant] - spacious, clean, scented and had lots of flowers inside.

Another plus point for their fast internet connection. I was able to update my sister where I am.
I wanted to stay longer but our schedule was tight. We still had to find our way to the People's Park which was our second destination. Before leaving Tootsie's we asked the attendant how we can get to the park. She clearly instructed us and off we went.
People's Park

From Tootsie's it took us two jeepney rides to reach People's Park. I was hoping to see lots of people since the place is called People's Park, but to my dismay only a few visited that day.

To further elaborate my disappointments I have listed them here.

Disappointment No 1:
The entrance fee to the park was 15.00Php but despite this the place was poorly maintained. The building was dilapidated and only few seats were available for tourists.

Disappointment No 2:
There was nothing to see here. I think the only appealing thing in this place was the fact that it is the highest point where you can see 360 degrees view of Tagaytay.

Disappointment No 3:
The jeepney drive going downhill costed us 20Php. It was not worth it because it was not even 200 meters going down. We could have walked instead if we only knew.

Disappointment No 4:
The tricycle driver charged us 40Php going to the jeepney terminal which was too much. It seems that the jeepney inside the park stays inside the park and the jeepney going to the central business district has a separate terminal few hundred meters away.
Where to Stay?

Before going to Tagaytay we surfed the net to find a reasonable place to stay. We had two choices - Keni Po and 5R Inn. The two are located beside the church Ina ng Laging Saklolo which is a few hundred meters away from Picnic Grove. We ended up having a room in 5R Inn because Keni Po was full already.

Keni Po

We checked in half past 1 in the afternoon and watched the noon time show Eat Bulaga before heading to Picnic Grove. I enjoyed the show especially their Pinoy Henyo segment. It was my first time in 2 years to watch the segment. We don't have TV at home, that's why.


Picnic Grove

From 5R Inn we walked our way to Picnic Grove. I underestimated the distance separating the two places. I told Paul it was near but actually they were almost a kilometer apart.

We paid 50Php each for the entrance fee. It was a relief when I saw more people in the park. Families go here to unwind, share a meal together, enjoy the cool weather and just relax. I saw some horses but I refused a ride bacause I don't like the smell transferring to my clothes.

I was overjoyed when I saw some kites in the sky. Apparently kite flying is stile alive in this part of the country. We sat on the grass and just watched people running on the field hoping to fly the kite a little higher.

family flying a kite

Another attraction in the park is the cable slide. People gather on both ends to experience the rush. I experienced the same rush when I camped at Subic way back my high school years so the experience was not new. I told Paul that I would like to experience the same rush in Bukidnon instead of Tagaytay. I just thought it was more worth the money.

Since we are tired from walking all day long, Paul and I decided to try the fish spa. It was fun! I was afraid at first but the fish bite were delicate. Actually they tickled us more than hurt us.
It was 30 minutes of relaxation. I think that was all we needed to charge us from the long drive we had earlier.
Bag of Beans
It was already six o'clock when we went out of the spa. Our next problem would be where to eat dinner. We went to the central business district and searched for a nice and reasonable restaurant.

We came across the plant sellers along the way and I was really amazed by the unsual plants.
unusual plants

After our mini-exploration we landed at Bag of Beans. This restaurant reminds me of Baguio because of the ambiance and the chilly weather.

Paul ordered Lechon Kawali while I ordered Pork and Chicken Adobo.

lechon kawali

pork and chicken adobo
I thought they were ordinary but I had to take my words back. They're really delicious.

Allergy Attacks because of Hardheadedness

The weather was inviting us to share some drinks beside the pool of 5R. We bought few bottles of Tanduay Ice and drank. After 3 bottles I can still stand and walk straight. So much for the question of handling beverages.

My horror came early morning when I saw part of my body blanketed with rashes. Few hours later my leg became itchy. I suffered and was uneasy for the next five days so I swore never to drink again.
Bulalo Once More

Paul wanted to taste the authentic Bulalo so before going home we went to Mendez Crossing for the authentic Bulalo experience.

It took us almost 30 minutes to reach the place. We passed by Robinson's Supermarket and other establishments before alighting.

Tagaytay's bulalo is truly one of a kind. I love the taste, the texture and the mesmerizing soup.

my bulalo share


We were eating our bulalo when a group of men came and serenaded us. They sang the song "Beautiful in My Eyes” and I can imagine myself blushing while listening to them. [Cute song indeed.] We were so impressed and delighted because it was the first time a group sang a song for us.


Despite the untoward incidents and disappointments I enjoyed our Tagaytay escapade. It made me miss Baguio because of the cool weather, horse back riding and the laid back lifestyle. I just wish it was not that overrated and the prices of the Inns will be more reasonable.

I hope I can go back to Sonya's for an afternoon delight. I also wish I can visit the Bee farm and the Coffee farm.

Tagaytay has so much to offer. Food are gastronomic delights, people are friendly, lots of churches to visit and lots of fruits and vegetables to buy.
~Till then.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Calaguas - Third Day

Deprived from sleep, I woke up at around 5:30 in the morning. I took the time capturing some still shots of Calaguas.
Despite the unfriendly weather, I really enjoyed our stay here.
We gained new friends, discovered our own limitations and really had a good time together.
The Boat Ride Going Home

I thought our boat ride going home will be relaxing and as smooth as what we had when we went to the island. The weather was fine and we were expecting calm water. Unfortunately I expected the opposite. It was a frightening ride. The water was rough. Everybody fell silent and held on to the boat. There was an eerie silence especially when we were already at the center of the route. Everybody held on to something that can float. I was again angry at the boat owner Nelson for not providing enough life vests.
Upon reaching Paracale, we alighted the boat cautiously. The water in the area was the opposite of Calaguas. There were garbage everywhere and I think the community is not doing anything to clean it. My friends opted to clean their feet first before eating lunch.
The Bad Part (Again)
Nelson Gomez was already there waiting for us – for our payment actually. Again he asked for a raise. I told him I was disappointed on his service and refused to give a tip. I was not able to control my anger and asked a receipt. I know receipt is not in his “business” but I insisted for one to make it uneasy for him. It took him 20 minutes to prepare a lousy receipt written at the back of a Bear Brand box. I paid him the amount and dismissed him. He asked me how much we paid for our stay in Calaguas. I told him a hundred pesos per person.
He told me it was all because of him that’s why the care taker in the camp site gave us a big discount. I don’t know if it’s true. What I know is, our friend Jenny was the one responsible for making our low fee extra ordinarily.
The Fun Part
To make things light and easy, the team decided to play pinoy henyo while inside the vans. We used the radio of the two drivers. The game was hilarious. It took us almost 30 minutes before we were able to figure out the word.

One thing that I like on our drivers, they know exactly where to go in a particular area. They took us to Atimonan for a side trip. They knew we wanted some place like this.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Calaguas Trip – Second Day

We woke up late on the second day. I felt lazy because it is still raining. We had to send off our drivers to Paracale because I think they were not able to rest well during the night. I was worried because waves are big and the weather is not yet that fine but they insisted.

We spent a few hours walking along the shore of Mahabang Buhangin – that’s what they call that part of the island. It was already 8am when we finally came to our senses and prepared food for brunch.

Jenny, Belle, Jayson and Jimmy went for a walk earlier and arrived with banana leaves in the hope of having a boodle fight. We gladly welcomed the idea and had our first ever boodle fight.

The Unexpected Side Trip

Jenny mentioned that we can climb the mountain near our camp site to view the whole island. Mountain climbing is an activity we enjoy so much and you will not have to convince us twice.

Armed with slippers, short shorts, kikay bag and camera, we climbed the mountain with “ease.” It took us 30 minutes to climb the first mountain and to our surprise the cell phone signal was strong. We took the opportunity to greet our fathers and the fathers we know a happy fathers’ day. We descended the mountain after a quick banana break andheaded towards the town proper. We had a quick soda break to quench our thirst from the first climb. We need some energy and refreshment because we will climb another mountain going to the other side of Mahabang Buhangin. It took us almost an hour to finish the second mountain. We were greeted by the white sand and turquoise water upon reaching the shore.

The Games

After a sumptuous lunch (boodle fight style) we had another game. This is called “Pinakamahirap na Pinoy Henyo.” This is similar to the pinoy henyo game popularized by Eat Bulaga – only harder. Team Barney scored 3 first.

pinakamahirap na pinoy henyo

The next game is the “Longest Line with a Twist.” We had 5 representatives in each team and gave them 5 balloons each. They will blow the balloons within 3 minutes and form a long line out of it. Mai-Team won this game.

longest line with a twist

The last game is called “Time’s Up” This is composed of 4 rounds. Each team is required to have 4 representatives – 2 pairs. They’re given random titles of movies, TV shows, books etc. The first round is similar to the game “Taboo.” They will describe what is written on the paper but are forbidden to mention the exact words on it. On the second round, they are only allowed to mention one word (but not any word written on the paper) and act the remaining. On the third round they can only act the title. On the fourth round they can only pose for the title. Time limit for each participant is 30 seconds. Team Coolest won this game.

The Water

It was already past 5pm when the games were finished. We’re all excited to bathe in the beach.

The water was clear in turquoise view. The waves entertained us and kept us in the water for an hour or so. It was a refreshing experience.

The Evening Party

The guys did their part well. They took the initiat

ive to prepare the bonfire for the evening party. We were all overjoyed when the flame started to light up.

We taught the first timers to cook their mallows over the fire. They liked it and for all I know mallows are gone.

There were a lot of revelations during the evening party and unfortunately I cannot share it to the readers. J