Sunday, January 6, 2013

Iligan – Land of Majestic Waterfalls

I’ve been here once and I must say I want to go back to this place again. I so love Tinago falls now. A paradise for adventure seekers like me. Truly something to be proud of. #itsmorefuninthephilippines

I don’t want to narrate this time. I just want to show some pictures of the place. Tinago Falls is definitely my second favorite falls in the Philippines. My first favorite is posted here.

(How many times do I have to remind myself not to joke about 300 steps?@_@) We had to go down 500 steps just to witness the grandeur of Tinago. And as the rule says when something goes up something must go down although this time it's the other way around. I struggled when we had to climb up the same set of 500 steps. Ugh! I wished we could stay longer at the falls and a fairy god mother will just perform her magic swoosh swoosh and boom! (it became koko crunch!)

Tinago Falls at its glory!
I super enjoyed the water and the view and the food and all the things around Tinago falls. (hekhekhek) I also conquered my fear of heights. (Ok slightly conquered.) 

Tinago is the Filipino word for hidden. 
I really wanted to stay longer but we had to move on to another falls.

I think it was around 30-45 mins before we reached our second destination – the Maria Christina Falls. (At long last I have seen what my elementary teachers are pertaining to as “Maria Christina Falls”)
Maria Christina Falls is the main power source of Mindanao. Beside the twin falls is a power plant which generates 200MW supplied to the users.

Pardon me for the picture above. The guard of the power plant said they had to switch off the right gate. I didn't know that the falls were gated until I heard it from the guard himself. I hope on my next visit both gates will be opened.
People are not allowed to swim here because aside from the fact that the water is too fierce, there are turbines under. (You swim, you go to heaven. Right away.)

I would love to discover the other 18 waterfalls in Iligan. I hope I can go back as soon as possible. And I will take my friends along (of course)!

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