Monday, December 31, 2012

Mt Damas (Dec 15-16, 2012)

After our outreach program in Dueg Elementary School, we immediately looked for a guide who can bring us to Mt Damas.

Mt Damas is a semi-major climb. The trail from Dueg to Mt Damas is not well established and participants need to be informed first about the difficulty of the terrain before the climb.

We started our journey around 1:30 in the afternoon after our sumptuous lunch prepared by the people of Dueg. 

The first part was a steep descent from Dueg to the first river crossing. I had to go down with my hands touching the earth because of the steepness of the trail. The land was super dry and loose that I slipped more than twice even if I wore the proper trekking shoes. The heat from the sun also added to our adversary since there were very little trees along the way.

View in Mt Damas

We had to take a break a few hundred meters before the summit because we wanted the sun to go down before we set our camp. There were no trees in the campsite and we wanted to fill our water containers from the last water source for cooking.

We spent the night watching stars and pointing at shooting stars. We didn't have this in the metro even if Tarlac is just a few hundred kilometers away from the city.

Ubod falls

Our second day was spent mostly in Ubod falls which is about 2 hours from the campsite. The terrain was again not very friendly and actually harder. It was very steep and dangerous. It’s good though that our guide and porters were very accommodating and helpful. They set up the ropes when the trail was almost not passable.

Fortunately we did not experience thunderstorm during our stay in Mt Damas or we could have been loaded with too much mud. The whole 2 days were sunny and bright.

I would like to thank J for organizing this event. Truly one heck of a year-end climb!

Till next time folks..:D

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