Friday, June 24, 2011

Calaguas - Third Day

Deprived from sleep, I woke up at around 5:30 in the morning. I took the time capturing some still shots of Calaguas.
Despite the unfriendly weather, I really enjoyed our stay here.
We gained new friends, discovered our own limitations and really had a good time together.
The Boat Ride Going Home

I thought our boat ride going home will be relaxing and as smooth as what we had when we went to the island. The weather was fine and we were expecting calm water. Unfortunately I expected the opposite. It was a frightening ride. The water was rough. Everybody fell silent and held on to the boat. There was an eerie silence especially when we were already at the center of the route. Everybody held on to something that can float. I was again angry at the boat owner Nelson for not providing enough life vests.
Upon reaching Paracale, we alighted the boat cautiously. The water in the area was the opposite of Calaguas. There were garbage everywhere and I think the community is not doing anything to clean it. My friends opted to clean their feet first before eating lunch.
The Bad Part (Again)
Nelson Gomez was already there waiting for us – for our payment actually. Again he asked for a raise. I told him I was disappointed on his service and refused to give a tip. I was not able to control my anger and asked a receipt. I know receipt is not in his “business” but I insisted for one to make it uneasy for him. It took him 20 minutes to prepare a lousy receipt written at the back of a Bear Brand box. I paid him the amount and dismissed him. He asked me how much we paid for our stay in Calaguas. I told him a hundred pesos per person.
He told me it was all because of him that’s why the care taker in the camp site gave us a big discount. I don’t know if it’s true. What I know is, our friend Jenny was the one responsible for making our low fee extra ordinarily.
The Fun Part
To make things light and easy, the team decided to play pinoy henyo while inside the vans. We used the radio of the two drivers. The game was hilarious. It took us almost 30 minutes before we were able to figure out the word.

One thing that I like on our drivers, they know exactly where to go in a particular area. They took us to Atimonan for a side trip. They knew we wanted some place like this.

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